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Literary Responses

This is my Into the Wild quote essay. I choose a quote from the book and shared my thoughts on it. The theme is the connection between humans and our desire to take risks, and why.

As the title clearly says, this is a short essay I wrote for comparing the book To Kill A Mockingbird to its movie.

A universal statement is a phrase or quote that can apply to much more than the context it was used in. I choose a quote from Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird about courage. I apply it to things within the book, to a more current event, and to historical events.

This is my review on the book TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY, a book that I honestly think that everyone should read. It may change your life.

This is one of those point-of-view-switch stories, inspired by the novel The Old Man and the Sea. The scene is the ending battle between Santiago and the great marlin he has caught on his hook—from the point of view of the marlin.

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