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My second portfolio for Honours English 11 contains 10 pieces, on of which is an infograph, for which the link can be found below. The pieces focus on one of three things: a book buddy project (which includes an elf letter), Canterbury Tales, or poetry.

Quarter 2

This extended metaphor poem is comparing the items in my bedroom to my family.

This epic poem can be found on my homepage. IT won an Honorable Mention in the Scholastic 2017 Writing Awards in the category of Science Fiction/Fantasy. It follows not a hero, but the story of a possible hero's mother.

This is another pop-icon poem, a twist on the tale of The Three Little Pigs. Instead of pigs, the three brothers are thieves, and choose to steal from a rich old lady. Only, they don't know the rich, little old helpless lady has magic, and isn't as "helpless" as she seems.

Our class was given the assignment of picking out a Santa Letter written by a Kindergartener and writing a reply as one of Santa's elves. This isn't the pretty, decorated version we sent to little Leo, but it is what my partner, Paige Thomas, and I wrote.

For the book buddy partner project, Paige and I chose to read Inkheart by Cornelia Funke. Our assignment was to write three letters back and forth to the other person throughout our reading of the book. This is the first one I wrote.

This is the second letter I wrote.

And this is the third and final letter I wrote.

Our final project for this quarter was to put together a review of the book we read and it's movie, by means of a fancy-smancy online infographic.

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