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The first portfolio for my Honours English 11 class was the narrative portfolio, containing a total of eight pieces plus a digital project, a podcast. Not all of the pieces are narratives, however, just most of them.

Quarter 1

Seeing as this was my first portfolio of the year for this class, I was required to write a short essay about myself, in order to introduce myself to the teacher.

This narrative is about a girl who is the "weird girl" at her school, the one who preferred fictional people over the real ones. Because, unlike the real ones, they couldn't hurt her.

This is a personal narrative. It's about how I grew up eating homemade jam, but the topic connects back to what, or rather who, the homemade jam always makes me thing of.

We had to write a review for our quarter one free choice books, and then make it into a podcast. The podcast itself is right the script. Enjoy! 

Not the Disney Version - Sayle Owen

This summer portfolio document is comprised of two things from the summer homework—a revised notes journal entry for Brave New World and a revised blog post for Lord of the Flies.

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