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My third Honours English 11 portfolio contains a total of five pieces. In this quarter of class, we focused on Shakespeare and SAT Prep.

Quarter 3

As part of our Shakespeare Unit, we had to write a "friendship sonnet" to a classmate and give it to them on Valentine's Day. When we drew names out of a hat, my classmate was, ironically, Paige Thomas, who was my book buddy for the second quarter.

As another part of the Shakespeare Unit, we had to memorize and recite some lines from either Hamlet to Taming of the Shrew (the two texts we read) in front of the class, and write an analysis of the lines we chose. I, obviously, chose lines from Hamlet.

This was one of the two practice SAT essay I wrote for class and revised to put it into the portfolio.

This is the second practice SAT essay I revised for the portfolio.

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