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Here is where I shall be putting all the recipes I come up with this year for class!

This was created for a Michigan potato recipe competetion. It didn't win or anything like that, but it was still fun to come up with!

Post-Thanksgiving Chilly!

Wondering what to do with all that leftover turkey now that the guests are gone? Not really wanting to eat turkey sandwhiches for the next week? Then try this delicious Chilly! (And yes, the spelling is purposely wrong.)

Quinoa Cowboy

Going to a party in an hour? Not sure what to bring? Try this variation of the super delicioso Cowboy Caviar with the addition of the "supergrain" Quinoa! It's wonderfully balanced between healthy and tasty!

Okay, so this one isn't actually my recipe. My group in foods class made it on free cook day, and it turned out to be really good, so I've typed it up. I'd've given you a works cited, but it turns out that the book has been thrown away between the time I took the pictures for class and me typing it up to put it on here...I recommend it though! It's really simple and tastes amazing!

Anti-Vamp Butterburger

I'll be honest with you's really just a garlic butterburger. But it turned out well when I made it! Funny thing was...I was a vampire the Halloween before I made this...

For our milk unit, we had to make a recipe that used a Roux (pronounced rue--it's French) as it's base. A roux is a mixture of butter, flour, and a liquid—in this case, milk. This recipe is a Cream of Broccoli recipe—you can also add pretty much whatever you want to, as well. It's good for feeding crowds.

These are basically potstickers. But, if you're like me, they're still yummy. So try them, if you wish.

Or, in other words—well, in English—this is a recipe for Lemon Meringue Macarons. This is a varation on my other macaron recipe under the bake-off tab. The story behind my original reason of wanting to try macarons (which turned out to be really good, by the way) was.

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