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Soft Skills...

Responsibility: This is the ability to take one tasks and preform them well when they are assigned to you. The better one handles them, the more they tend to get. I went out of my comfort zone the fall of 2015 and took on the position of chairperson for my school's Key Club Blood Drive. I worked weeks ahead of time to prepare and organize it, doing everything from creating sign-in/sign-out sheets to organizing volunteers (with help from the Key Club teacher advisor, of course), and worked at the event the entirety of the schoolday on which it was held. It was the biggest responsibilty I've had up to date, and it went off with nary a hitch!

Time Management: This skill is oh-so-important--one must be able to balance all the things they do, and the better thet are at managing their time, the easier and less stressful things are. I, for one, have noticed the growing importance of this as I progress in high school, as my workload and activites increase. So unless I manage to manage my time in a decent way, any free time I might have will disappear! Therefore, it's of upmost importance for me to be able to apply this skill.

Communication: In a world where technology seems to become the way we communicate more and more, people are losing the humanity only face-to-face communication can provide. Sure, you could make a call, FaceTime, or Skype or what ever, and those are nice when the person you need or want to talk to is too far away to talk to in person, but I believe that if its possible to talk face-to-face to someone, you should. Don't text someone who is in the same house, for instance. To me, communication is a really important skill in any realtionship and life in general.

Teamwork: "Unless one can work in a team, they'll never get past level one." —Sayle. It's true, you won't get far unless you can work in a team with other people. It's essential—believe it or not, humans weren't made to be solitary creatures. We are not asexual being that can exist by ourselves. We were made to work together...and when you can work well with others, life becomes unnecessarily stressful and difficult not only for you, but for everyone in the group! You can't always work alone, or chose who you work with, so the better you are with teamwork, the better life will be.

Enthusiasm: One of my life philosophies is to get excited about every little good thing. Living like this not only makes you notice just how much good is actually in your life, but the bad things won't be so...utterly awful. I've had many friends comment on how happy I seem and how exciteable I'll get over the smallest, most random of things when they see all the not-so-good things that happen in my life. Sure, my life may not be as perfect as others', but this philosophy I live really makes me appraicate every little good thing in my day-to-day life, and I've noticed that as I've done this for the past few years, my life has become dramatically more pleasant and positive. So what if the grass is greener on the other side? I'm perfectly fine with the green, blue, purple, and golden patchwork on this side, thank you.

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